Monday, November 28, 2011

Autumn Cupcakes

I had been promising my lab that I would make them cupcakes for quite a few weeks (not to mention they make the best guinea pigs). I wanted to try out some fall cupcakes. There are two flavors that scream "autumn" to me: caramel apple and pumpkin spice.

Group meetings are never better than when one has a cupcake. Dull data becomes interesting. (Granted, that's probably the early afternoon cupcake sugar rush as opposed to the data becoming more interesting.) I did make an interesting observation: the men preferred the pumpkin spice, whereas the women preferred the caramel apple. Take that as you will, but possibly consider that when making either of these cupcakes for a gathering.

You can find the recipes here: caramel apple cupcakes & pumpkin spice cupcakes. I did make the pumpkin graham crackers that Cupcake Project lists for the pumpkin spice cupcakes, but instead of putting them on top, I crumbled them up on the frosting.

Note: I seem to have lost the caramel apple cupcake recipe, as soon as I find it, I will edit this post.

Edit: I have found the recipe! I had to dig through the internet until I found it, but I found it nonetheless! It was on the Cupcake Friday Project. Enjoy!

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